If we are unable to see you in your home, we may offer a Telehealth consultation that still provides quality afterhours health care via video link
Some symptoms are no longer appropriate for a home visit. If you have COVID-19, displaying COVID-19 like or flu like symptoms, you may be offered a telehealth consultation. Dial-A-Doctor has dedicated GP’s to assist you and your family receive afterhours healthcare in the comfort of your own home via video consultation. Our telehealth service is fully bulk billed for eligible patients and we are able to provide prescriptions and medical certificates where required.
Download App / call our Contact Center to book your Telehealth appointment
Wait for the doctor to contact you via phone call to let you know they are ready to start your appointment
For your video consultation, you will join our virtual waiting room ready for your appointment to begin
Your consultation will begin and all notes will be sent to your regular GP