What is Dial-A-Doctor?
Dial-A-Doctor is a fully accredited bulk-billed home visit doctor service operating in the after-hours period. Our fully qualified doctors can provide a range of services, however, please note that we are not an emergency service. If you are experiencing emergency symptoms, please call 000 immediately.
Who will come to my home?
One of our fully qualified and experienced doctors along with their assistant will visit your home for your consultation. The doctor’s assistant is present for non-clinical reasons, they drive the doctor to your home and act as a chaperone and administrative assistant. If you would prefer not to have the doctors assistant present, please let our contact centre agent know at the time of booking.
Can I get a medical certificate?
Yes, our doctors can provide you with a medical certificate at their discretion. However, our doctors will usually only be able to write a medical certificate for 1-2 days. If you require longer, you will need to see your regular GP.
What if I can’t get to a pharmacy?
Our doctors carry some common medications and may be able to issue you a starter dose whilst you wait for your prescription to be filled.
Is Dial-A-Doctor a Bulk Billed Service?
Yes, our service is fully bulk billed for Medicare and DVA cardholders. For non card holders or overseas visitors we accept cash and credit card payments.
When can I book a doctor to visit my home?
Contact Center Hours
Weeknights: 6pm –
Saturdays: 12pm – Midnight
Sundays and Public
Holidays: 24 Hours
Doctor Visiting Hours
Weeknights: 6pm –
Saturdays: 12pm – Midnight
Sundays and Public
Holidays: 24 Hours.
How long does it take for a doctor to visit me?
We aim to see all patients within 3 hours; however, this time can vary depending on how busy we are that night. Our dedicated team will keep you informed of their potential arrival time should they experience delays.
What if I don’t have a Medicare card?
If you believe you are eligible for Medicare but do not have your card, please check your MyGov or call Medicare on 132 011. Alternatively, if you are not eligible for Medicare, we accept cash upon arrival and all major credit and debit cards via telephone at time of booking. Contact 1300 030 030 for a booking.
Can I book a doctor for tomorrow or next week?
Dial-A-Doctor is an Approved Medical Deputising Service [AMDS] and is therefore bound by the Department of Health AMDS guidelines which do not allow us to take a booking beyond today. Bookings can only be made for patients requiring urgent assessment in the afterhours period.
Can I get a prescription?
Yes, our doctors can provide you with a prescription if they determine a genuine clinical need at time of consultation. Please note however, We DO NOT prescribe or supply schedule 8 medications or medications considered as drugs of dependency.
Can I get a referral for blood tests or xrays?
Dial-A-Doctor do not routinely provide referrals for pathology or radiology, as these are medical issues that require ongoing management. If our doctor determines there is an urgent clinical reason to provide a referral then they would in most instances refer you to your local Emergency Department. In the case of non urgent you would be advised to consult your regular GP.
How do I get my results?
In the unlikely event that our doctor has referred you directly for pathology or radiology, any results received will be forwarded to the attending doctor for review. Upon review, our doctor will call you to discuss the results and a refer you back to your regular GP for ongoing management. If no action required, you will not receive any communication from Dial-A-Doctor. All results are forwarded to your regular GP.
How do you communicate with non English speakers or hearing impaired?
Dial-A-Doctor have an online booking system that can be utilised to make a booking. Alternative methods of communication for bookings are via the following services:
• National Relay Service (NRS) for hearing impaired
• Translation and Interpreter Service (TIS) for non-English speaking patients.
What is Dial-A-Doctor’s Communication Policy?
Our patients may leave messages via telephone, email or via the 'Contact Us' form on our website.
As we are an after hours only service, you are strongly encouraged to contact your regular GP for any
medical issues and follow up. Your clinical note is sent to your nominated Medical Centre after your
consultation with us so your GP will have access to this.
You may be contacted by SMS to advise the estimated time of arrival on a booked consultation.
Further information can be found in our Communication Policy stored on our website.